With FAIC Group, you get the expertise, availability and best practices of onshore DBAs for less than the cost of a single in-house resource. Our aim is to give your organization the peace of mind of knowing that your environments are in good hands. Primary and Secondary DBAs assume total ownership of your environment and adhere to your organization’s change control practices and support procedures. FAIC Group consultants have experience with various database systems (including, but not limited to):
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Oracle
- Progress
Full DBA Service
We become your DBAs. Our expert professionals provide 100% of the services required to administer and enhance your database environment.
Benefits of Full DBA Service
Supplemental DBA Service
We augment your in-house DBA(s), freeing them for projects and high-profile initiatives. You choose a service package that is specifically tailored to support your in-house DBAs Have you had a DBA leave unexpectedly? We’ll be there. Got an employee who called in sick? You’re covered. And maybe you can finally take that much-needed vacation time you’ve been accumulating. Best of all, supplemental support allows you and your team to focus on the most important tasks, giving you greater peace of mind.