Workflow Breeze™
Breeze is a centralized workflow solution for Approvals and Notifications. This is a product that works with Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) ™.
You can use Breeze to approve things like Purchase Orders, Customer Credit Limits, A/P Vouchers, Inventory Adjustments, Transfer Orders, and anything else that requires authorization. Customers can create their own approval workflows and non-developers can customize their behavior.
Send emails or text messages when system events occur. For example, when a customer goes on credit hold, a purchase order is received, a critical inventory item falls below a threshold. Email batches can be generated as a replacement for simple daily reports. Data can be formatted as HTML or attached as a Microsoft Excel™ document.
The Breeze Solution
Centralized / Web Interface
With a centralized application all data is in one place. Every approval workflow is audited, which includes the person that initiated the approval, the date/time it was created, the person that responded, the date/time of the response, and what the response was. Being web browser accessible, approvers submit decisions from outside the line-of-business application (i.e. SyteLine™), allowing for mobility and flexibility.
Rapid Workflow Development
Businesses need timely notifications of data events. Normally programmers have to write custom code to capture and process this information. It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to repeat this process every time a new business requirement arises. Breeze Workflow makes this process so much easier. Notifications and approvals can quickly be integrated into existing business applications. The full ROI can often be achieved after the very first approval workflow is deployed into production!
Not Overly Complicated
Breeze only performs two types of workflows – Approvals and Notifications. The system was developed to make building workflows as-simple-as-possible, without giving up powerful capabilities. Developers integrate their custom workflow logic into database stored procedures that are called upon by Breeze when registered events occur. By using database stored procedures, the developer has access to the application database to query data and call other stored procedures. This works great with a product like Infor Cloud Suite Industrial (SyteLine)™, because much of the application logic resides in the database.
Non-developers can customize workflow behaviors
Once a developer has integrated a notification or approval workflow, non-developers can customize the behavior. Administrative users can add or remove authorized approvers, adjust how often email reminders are sent, and change the approval decision rules. They can also change how data is sent in emails – as HTML, Excel documents, or text files.
If you are looking for a workflow solution that is user friendly and easy to maintain, please contact FAIC Group for more information.